About me 2019-07-03T23:43:43+00:00


Holistic Health Coach

Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching
Sat Nam Rasayan & Meditation

In my training as a certified Holistic Health Coach, I got to know innovative coaching methods, practical lifestyle management techniques and many nutritional concepts – from Ayurveda, Gluten Free, Paleo, Raw Food, Vegan, Macrobiotic, and everything in between.

Over the past 12 years, I have experienced and learned the efficiency and structure of many different therapy and coaching methods in the field of personality development, self-healing, trauma therapy and bodywork. Since 2015 I am Sat Nam Rasayan Practicioner. This form of ancient healing through meditation has had a lasting effect on my life.

I worked for many years as a freelance communication designer and had to overcome personal health challenges during this time, which could not be solved only by the way of traditional modern medicine. From this personal experience and the alternative methods and health practices that I learn in this way and in which I can continue to train, are the basis for an authentic cooperation with my clients. For me, holistic coaching means the future of health care.

I am fortunate to have learned from the following experts:

  • Joshua Rosenthal, Founder and Director of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN)
  • Deepak Chopra, MD meditation guru, leader in the field
    the medicine of body and mind (mind body medicine)
  • David Katz, MD, MPH, Director of the University of Yale Preventive Research Center
  • Walter Willett, MD, DrPH, chair of nutrition of Harvard University
  • Andrew Weil, MD, Director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine
  • Guru Dev Singh, healer and teacher of Sat Nam Rasayan
  • Gabrielle Bernstein, Bestselling Author and Life Coach
  • Susan Blum, MD, MPH, Assistant Clinic Professor of the Medical Mount Sinai School
  • Mark Hyman, MD, Founder of the UltraWellness Center
  • Geneen Roth, pioneer in the field of “Emotional Food and Empowerment”, bestselling author
  • David Wolfe, leading raw food and nutrition expert
  • Marion Nestle, PhD, MPH, Professor of Nutrition, Food Research and Public Health at New York University
  • Mark Bittman, author of The New York Times Food and Bestselling Author
  • Joel Fuhrman, MD, amily therapist and nutritional healing leader
  • Matthew Hussey, bestselling author and relationship expert
  • Teal Swan, Trauma Therapist, Spiritual Teacher and Intuitive Coach
  • Michael Wiegel, Life Coach, inventor of the Personal Brandbeat method

I support people in their transformation. My concern is to accompany you as far as possible in an independent, self-fulfilling and self-responsible lifestyle. Based on the basic immunization and recovery processes in the body, which we can create through Detox, Cleanse and regular exercise, I coach you in the areas of personality development and self-realization.

We define what you really need to feel good about yourself.

We use your visions to motivate you for your goals and to bring you closer to where you really want to be. We design your health goals in a meaningful timeframe and an achievable objective for you, so that you also know exactly what you are actually working towards and can go this way step by step.

I accompany you in this process with all my attention and experience in an empathetic and balancing manner. My work is about getting you in touch with your current needs, and knowing that they can change over and over again. Everyone has the ability to be their own expert and healer: based on intuition and self-awareness. This is the way to the source of your natural wholeness and perfection.

Contact me now for your